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Content Marketing Denver, Valerie MorrisHey all!  We’re so excited to have Rachel Moore, of Really Social, here to talk about walls we put up or find closing in around ourselves.  Rachel admits that she sees the boxes around us all the time!  She tells herself that she continually has to re-tell herself not to let these boxes define her and her mission.  She shares some really great nuggets of wisdom with us, so grab a cup of coffee and soak it all in!

A huge box that is so very present in our business culture today is the concept that “This is the way we’ve always done it.”  Hearing that statement as a defense against any change or (gulp) risk of trying a new way is little crazy.  The fear of change always means legwork and teamwork to start a new thing, but the state of being stuck in a rut is far worse. Rachel believes that so many more individuals and brands would see success if they’d be willing to try something – even a little something – new or unknown.

We all put ourselves into boxes, and sometimes without even realizing it.  As a business owner, she knows that she is really good at some things, but could grow in others. “Even all the confidence in the world can’t stop me from sometimes shrinking from those growth areas, even though I believe that doing is the best kind of learning.” You have to give yourself the chance to start that tough task and pull it off to be “good enough” even if it’s not “completely awesome!”  You gain momentum that way.  Whereas doing nothing builds zero momentum!

Labels and boxes can be limitations, but aren’t intended to remain that way unless we allow them. It’s all a matter of choice in attitude and action. Until we decide to break out of the label or box, it will be a limitation when breaking through them could in fact be the opportunity we needed to become absolutely incredible.

Ask Rachel…

What boxes are you “crushing” right now?

Right now, I am working on “crushing” my business. But I can already foresee a time when I’ll need to entrust the daily tasks to others (contractors or staff) and become the “front woman” to build the business and be out on point to continue its success. The box in this scenario is my clutchy ownership of the tasks I really enjoy doing (working hands-on in social media and engaging in posts) and needing to build confidence and trust to allow others to knock it out of the park for me and even better than me.

What’s your best advice to someone feeling stuck right now, whether in life or business?

Find your crowd to “crowdsource” your next steps. Everyone has advice, but is it the best advice for you? You have to always consider the source of that voice telling you the words “can’t” and “shouldn’t.” The same goes for the voices saying, “Go!” and “Just do it!” Establish your go-to crowd and really assess the collective voice before you plow forth without the right support.

Do you do anything to break down the walls of your “boxes”?

I completely rely on the real people in my life to help me with my boxes. And often I can’t rely on just one person because we are all limited by our experiences. For instance, I had some in my own family who, while wanting to encourage me in my dreams, were absolutely against my desire to own my own business. Meanwhile, I had some real cheerleaders who had taken the same risk of starting their own business and were the voices of reason rooting me on to take on the challenge.


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