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Why Communicating Company Culture with Consumers Boosts Your ROI

When the phrase “company culture” gets talked about, it’s usually in conjunction with discussions of workplace environment and HR. But did you know that company culture intersects with and can play an important role in your marketing as well? In fact, using company culture as a marketing tool can create a more successful business strategy. 


Not only can company culture help you stand out in a sea of competitors, but it can help you tell the unique story of your brand identity, helping play a crucial role in shaping how your customers, employees, and the general public perceive your brand.


What is Company Culture?

Before you can use company culture as a marketing tool, it’s important to understand what company culture actually is. It’s essentially all the values, beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes that are present within an organization. This culture is shaped by your brand’s history, leadership, and the collective experience of your employees. In other words, think of it as your brand’s personality. 


It’s important to note that while this sounds simple, company culture is really a complex mix of various elements of your brand. 


Company Culture as a Marketing Tool

Customers don’t just buy what you sell, they buy into a relationship with your brand. Consumers have shown us time and again that they choose brands that fit their own personal views, interests, and values. 


This means that consumers want to know what your brand stands for (i.e. your values), and your company culture is a reflection of those values. 


But beware! You can’t be all talk and not “walk the walk.” Consumers will find out if you say one thing to them but say or do another behind closed doors. So it’s important to live your company culture at the office. And company culture starts from the top down, from the CEO to lower-level employees. It’s important that your senior leaders model the type of culture your brand stands for. Then be sure to give your employees a purpose, explaining how they contribute to the company mission. 


This will create a happier work environment for all your employees. And when employees are happy, customers feed off that energy and are more likely to make a purchase! 


How to Communicate Company Culture in Marketing

There’s plenty out there about how to create a great company culture for employees, and we covered some of the higher level actions you can take above. But let’s talk about how you can communicate that company culture to your target audience. 


You can’t just post about how great your company is and how happy your employees are. Yes, consumers like brands to be honest about who they are and what they do, but braggadocious posts such as those won’t give you much traction. 


Instead, you have to convey your company culture through telling your brand’s story. Storytelling tugs at the emotions of your target audience. And because most purchase decisions are an emotional decision and not a logical one, this is what makes storytelling so effective in your marketing. 


Storytelling allows you to make meaningful connections with your audience and can make your brand more relatable and authentic. Your story is what makes your brand unique compared to your competitors! 


Getting the right messaging can take time and patience. However, when done well, storytelling can get you that bigger ROI (return on investment). Check out these 6 tips for effective storytelling that boosts your marketing.


Final Thoughts

Company culture can be a powerful thing. It’s not just about creating a happy work environment for your employees, but about making deeper, more meaningful connections with consumers. These deeper connections are what fuel positive energy and sentiment about your brand and make your company more successful! 

Need help telling your brand’s story? Tintero Creative would love to help! We help you break through the digital noise to tell your story in a way that works with your industry, digital trends, and marketing best practices. Connect with us today for your free consultation or to learn more about what we do!