720-608-8715 [email protected]

Jon Cook is a copywriting and content expert who helps industry experts (speakers, coaches, trainers, and more) get clear on their message to help them market themselves effectively. He shares with us how he’s helping clients get clear on their message especially after a strange year where many businesses felt like they were almost on “pause” with their message. We talked about content fatigue and knowing how much is the right amount of content. We also chatted about how to have a healthy approach to your marketing goals. Listen in on a great interview full of actionable tips!

Soundbites From Jon:

“They’re not paying you to have all the answers, but they ARE paying you to know what questions to ask and have the insights to know how to find out the answers.”

Great content will outshine the production. Getting at least a decent production process, you need to get your content out. Don’t let equipment or production process be an excuse to hold your content back.

What is your content fatigue point? Just because you can put out a piece of content X amount of time, doesn’t mean you should. Watch for the sweet spot for your audience.

“Just because you CAN pivot, doesn’t mean you NEED TO.”

Quick Wins YOU Can Do Today:

[Hint: Try some of these simple things anyone can do to increase their exposure.]

Be okay with where you are now.

Set healthy expectations for growth. Stop the “should-isms” and focus on the right goals for you right now. Get the base hits. You don’t always need the home-runs.

To learn more:

Keynote Content




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