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The 5 W’s you need to know about Social Media Marketing

You probably already know the main “w’s:”Who, what, when, where, and why. These five words make up the backbone for any story.  Not only is this a great way to start your next story, it is also a great way to form the foundations of your business. These are often used to help find the complete story and all-important details, and same applies to businesses. Before you can tell others about the details of your company you need to have those figured out on your own. The 5 W’s can help you do just that, and then help you position your business for social media success. With the increasing popularity of social media there are 5 W’s that you cannot pass up.

  1.       Who

Who are you as a company? It is crucial that you know what you and your company stand for. Who are the owners?  Is this a family run business? Who is your target audience? What are you trying to sell and to what age group? Who are your competitors? What do you stand for? These are all important questions to know the answers to prior to putting yourself out there on social media.

  1.       What

What do you bring to the table? What makes you different that all the other companies that offer the same services as you? What is the difference in your product that others? Do you produce the same quality? Emphasize what makes you different than competitors and why you are the clients best bet.  

  1.       When

When should your customers expect to hear back from you? Are you going to be prompt on responding to emails or should they expect to wait a few days? When are you promoting new products? When are services available? Know when your products and services will be ready so that the customer can expect to see new things.

  1.       Where

Where are you located? Are you an online only business? Where can customers come up and talk to you?. Where can customers find past work? Where is your target audience located? Where is there room for improvement?. All of these are important things to take into consideration. Are you only an online store or do you have a storefront? Tailor your social media posts to that. Where can your customers find you, are you going to be present at your store front or would it be better to reach you online?. Where can you improve as a company? 

  1.       Why

Why did you start the business? Why should customers choose you over other competitors, what makes you different? Running a business is a huge commitment. Your “why” is important. You have to be dedicated to start a company and the “why” is your story. Why are you doing what you’re doing? Communicate that to help built trust and rapport with customers.

These 5 W’s will not only help you be successful on social media, but also as a business. Having a good basis of what your company is, where you came from, and your plan for the future is important for success. Applying these 5 W’s can help you to be successful in social media marketing as well.

Now that we have our brand outlined how do we make ourselves marketable?

Social media marketing is unlike any other marketing type that exists. Social media is fast paced and has an unlimited audience. One like or one retweet opens up your business to countless new customers. People love to get to know what happens behind business doors.

Show the customers what a day looks like in your life, show them what a day as one of your company’s employees looks like. Be personable with your audience. Each social media app has its different benefits, and different ways to market. Social media is an awesome way to expand your business and the 5 W’s will help you to be successful on whichever platform you choose.