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Staying Inspired To Produce & Share Quality Content | Content Marketing Firm in Denver Weighs In

Anyone who does something for a long period of time will find themselves in lulls where they find it hard to be inspired.  It can be hard to come up with fresh ideas constantly.  You often hear of writer’s block and not knowing what to talk about.Content Marketing Firm in Denver

Finding Inspiration For Content Marketing

Stay Sharp.  Taking classes, researching, and following industry leaders is a great way to keep yourself sharp on the latest tools, trends, and opportunities.  By staying sharp, you will know what your resources are to do or say inspirational things.

Watch the world.  As you watch what is happening in the world, you’ll see fun and quirky things that can be spun into fun blog or social media topics.  For example, the fashion at the Oscars can be turned into a fun satire on social media.  It’s fun, attention-grabbing, and different – and has nothing inherently to do with social media and content marketing.

Take Breaks.  I like to take breaks from work.  I love that the hubby and I live on land where we have literally an endless amount of projects and chores we could be doing.  Most of these projects force you to actually work, and not look at a screen.  I find that doing physical tasks is great because it lets my mind wander a little, and gives me space to be creative.  There’s countless studies supporting taking a break, so perhaps we ought to consider taking their advice!

Look for it.  You have to be going through life expecting to be inspired.  If you’re not looking, you’ll never find inspiration.  It’s like a muscle.  The more you work out this perspective on life, the most you will see inspiration around you.

Follow Inspirational People.  I like to rub shoulders with others in my industry, whether literally, or digitally.  I love following people in my industry to see what they are talking about and what they are experiencing. Surround yourself with the kinds of people you want to be like and you’ll find that slowly, you become that.  Whether you are surrounding yourself physically with inspirational people, or you follow inspirational profiles on Twitter, or you read certain blogs, make sure you are filling your mind with forward thinking thoughts in your related industry.  The more you see what others are doing, the more ideas will spark for you.

Record Your Inspiration.  Inspiration often hits me at crazy times and in places where I can’t record my thoughts easily (for example, the shower, while driving, etc.).  However, as I can, I like to record these thoughts and ideas so that I can recollect and act on them later.  I use a good old fashioned notebook, email folders, Pinterest boards,  and mind maps to save my ideas and thoughts. I’ve found that as I do this, I come up with other ideas and even edit old ideas.

The world of content marketing is undoubtedly exhausting. There is simply too much content to consume – even if you tried! Some days we feel more inspired than others and we can come up with some really amazing content.  Those are the days we celebrate and remember!