Denver Social Media Firm Helps Your Business On Social Media
Trust me, you’ll want to pay attention to this. I mean we’re all out to spend the most time possible with the fewest returns on our dollars and time, right? If that sounds like something you want to do for your business, stay tuned.
We’re laying out the top ten ways to sabotage your social media strategy to help you make sure it’s never a success.
- Post Everything All At Once. While it’s top of mind, you better get it out. Don’t worry if you forget to post for another six weeks or even a few months. Your burst of posts got your message out.
- Ignore Your Comments and Messages. The things people post on your accounts and in response to your posts don’t matter one bit! There’s so much on the internet anyway; why would they have time to pay attention to one person’s comment on one of your posts?
- Ignore Typos. People know that most of the posts are going up with a smartphone, right? Autocorrect is just a reality and so it really doesn’t hurt your image whatsoever to have typos in your social posts.
- Post The Exact Same Thing On Every Single Profile. Cha-ching! You can just copy/paste the same post to every single profile. No one will ever notice or care.
- Share Only Your Content. You don’t ever want to post content created by anyone else. Why push people to read articles that other people have written when you can point them to your own website?!
- Post Everything The Day Of. Scheduling posts out ahead of time is B-oring and isn’t authentic. Instead, spend extra time each day, scrounging around for something interesting.
- Do It All Yourself. You can handle it! Yes, you may be managing sales, production, marketing, processing, and other business relationships, but you have plenty of time to keep up with social media and all of its changes.
- Post Text Only. That’s the only message that really matters. Don’t worry about graphics or videos; they’ll only waste your time.
- Post and forget it. Analytics and stats are not the real indicators of how well your social media is doing. YOU know better than the numbers do.
- Have Your Teenage Son Help You With “The Facebook.” I mean, they have a smart phone and everything, surely they can help you out.
Stick with these tried and true methods, and you are sure to sabotage your social media strategy. You’ll waste time, money, and energy while looking like an idiot to the outside world. It’s the perfect strategy, right?
I hope you’ve had a little fun with this list; I sure did. The fact remains that many business owners are sabotaging their social media efforts and don’t even realize it. Social media is now a complex piece to your marketing strategy and must be treated as such. So, instead of sabotaging your time, money, and energy, let’s consider how you can actually excel in social media.
- Consistency is better than quantity. Spread your content out over the course of a week or month so that you are consistent. Your audience will come to expect when they can hear from you. You’ll also easily tell the public that you are still in business by consistently posting to your social media profiles.
- Pay Attention & Respond To All Interactions. If someone tags you, comments on a post, or posts something directly to your profiles, you absolutely have to respond. Sometimes these are ugly posts, comments, or even reviews. You still have to respond to them. This tells the world that you are a tactful, polite business who genuinely cares about the customer experience.
- Typos matter! Proper grammar and spelling is a simply way to portray professionalism. Typos, while they happen to the best of us, should be avoided at all costs. This means planning posts ahead of time so that you can catch problems before they become public.
- Craft Posts For Each Social Profile. The audiences on Facebook are very different from those on Twitter and even those on LinkedIn. While your core message might be the same, you should reword it, customize images, and add hashtags and tagging where appropriate for each different social media channel. It’s also a good idea to stagger the timing of when these various messages go out on the different social channels.
- Share Industry Content. Posting other industry-related content is a great way to show that you are in-the-know in your industry. It also gives great credit and kudos to the person who originally created that content, all while making you look like a kind, well-rounded business.
- Schedule Your Posts. When you schedule posts ahead of time, you have the ability to be strategic about what themes you talk about and how often. Scheduling also saves you a few brain cells day-to-day.
- You don’t have to do it all yourself! Know your strengths and also your limitations and be ready to bring in the troops if you need help. Hiring a social media company is a great option for a business that needs only some support each week or month. Or, perhaps you need to hire a dedicated full-time employee to manage the social media profiles and strategy alongside your entire team.
- Text-only posts get the least engagement by far in today’s social media scene! Always, always include graphics and links at the very least. Video is even more engaging, especially live video. The more engaging you get with your posts, the better your posts will perform.
- Analytics Matter! Get in the habit of running monthly reports to see what posts and topics performed best. Look for patterns to know how to replicate that same performance for future posts. You can’t improve what you aren’t measuring!
- Treat Social Media Professionally. Just because your teenage son knows his way around a smart phone better than you, doesn’t mean that he can utilize social media to its fullest marketing potential. You need someone overseeing your marketing who not only knows how social media functionally operates, but also has a strong marketing background so that your brand’s message is communicated effectively.