by Valerie Morris | Sep 1, 2020 | Content Marketing, Dental Marketing, Social Media, Social Media Strategy
Simplify Your Digital Marketing & Stay Sane at the Same Time! If there is something that feels overwhelming in business, it can be marketing – especially digital marketing. It changes so fast and has so many possible strategies to utilize. Not only that, but...
by Valerie Morris | Jun 12, 2020 | Livestreaming, Social Media, Social Media Marketing
And How to Get Started Doing Live Videos! Many social platforms offer the option to do live video broadcast. Whether you are using Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, live videos are a great way to engage with your audience in real time. It allows you to showcase your...
by Valerie Morris | Mar 15, 2020 | Content Marketing, Marketing, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Strategy
The 5 W’s you need to know about Social Media Marketing You probably already know the main “w’s:”Who, what, when, where, and why. These five words make up the backbone for any story. Not only is this a great way to start your next story, it is also...
by Valerie Morris | Feb 15, 2020 | Content Marketing, Marketing, Social Media, Social Media Marketing
How to Improve your Instagram Traffic and Increase Business Instagram is one of the most popular apps right now for social media and business! As this app’s popularity is continuously on the rise it can be frustrating trying to keep up with all of the new...
by Valerie Morris | Feb 1, 2020 | Content Marketing, Marketing, Social Media, Video
Video Marketing: How to be Confident on Camera Video marketing is all the rage right now. YouTube has about 1.8 billion monthly viewers and is continually on the rise. How many times are you scrolling through Facebook and a video of a cute puppy pops up and you share...
by Valerie Morris | Jan 25, 2020 | Content Marketing, Facebook Advertising, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Strategy
Just because you CAN, Doesn’t Mean You Should. You know those phrases that stick with you forever? The phrase “just because I can, doesn’t mean I should” is one of those phrases and I knew as soon as I heard it that it’s one that would be a constant reminder to me. ...