by Valerie Morris | Mar 17, 2013 | Branding, Marketing, Social Media
The social media age has brought about a new wave of lingo into the marketing world, and with it, a new way to reach your target market. Between tweeting, pinning, liking, and blogging, social media’s new language is here and here to stay. Today, we’re...
by Valerie Morris | Feb 18, 2013 | Branding, Graphic Design, Marketing, Social Media, Values
What do primary colors, plastic, and loud noises have in common … the play-place for children at the mall, of course. This weekend I had the privilege of babysitting my friend’s five year old, and playing around on swings, slides, and playhouses that were...
by Valerie Morris | Jan 29, 2013 | Branding, Graphic Design, Marketing, Social Media
Businesses take major care in creating a strong graphic presence in their print materials, logo design, and website design. However, with as fast as social media has grown in the past few years, it has been easy to just create social media profiles and let them be....