by Valerie Morris | Oct 1, 2015 | Branding, Content Marketing, Digital Communication, Marketing
Lessons Learned On Group Projects As An Adult Did you like group projects back in school? I didn’t. I’ll admit that I dreaded group projects back during my school years. You see I was always the one who ended up doing the majority of the work, and then got sucked...
by Valerie Morris | Sep 29, 2015 | Blogging, Branding, Content Marketing, Copywriting, Marketing, Values
Using The Concept Of Influence & Online Authority To Grow Your Business The term “influencer” is a generally new buzzword, but the concept is nothing but new. Ultimately, an influencer is someone who has a network to share their opinions and thoughts with. ...
by Valerie Morris | Sep 16, 2015 | Branding, Marketing, Social Media
How Can I Use LinkedIn To Grow My Business & Brand? When you’re jumping into LinkedIn for your business, you need to start thinking about it from a personal branding strategy perspective. When you approach your LinkedIn experience like you do branding, it begins...
by Valerie Morris | Aug 25, 2015 | Blogging, Branding, Content Marketing, Copywriting, Marketing, SEO
Top Ways To Feed Search Engines The Google Juice They Need To Help You Rank Well We all know that calling upon “Beetle Juice” three times will make him appear. Don’t you wish it was that simple with good rankings on search engines? Unfortunately, it is a little more...
by Valerie Morris | Jul 30, 2015 | Blogging, Content Marketing, Marketing, Social Media
How To Get A Hole In One In Digital Marketing Years ago, I made a gold trophy from an orphan golf ball, cardboard cone, and some spray paint. You see, my hubby got his first hole in one while golfing, and that was a BIG deal! Some golfers go their entire life...
by Valerie Morris | Jul 21, 2015 | Content Marketing, Digital Communication, Marketing, Social Media
Renting vs. Buying With Digital Marketing Eight homes in eight years. Yes, that’s right we are masters at packing, moving, and making a place feel like home whether we’ve rented or bought a home. We always struggled about if it’s better to rent a place or buy a home...