by Valerie Morris | May 19, 2015 | Blogging, Branding, Copywriting, Digital Communication, Marketing, Social Media
Are You In A Codependent Relationship? Your Digital Marketing Strategy Needs To Be Codependent. Typically when we think about codependent relationships we don’t think of them in a overly positive light. The extreme examples of friendships lost from codependent dating...
by Valerie Morris | Apr 22, 2015 | Branding, Digital Communication, Marketing, Social Media
How To Choose What Social Media Platform Your Business Should Be On Prospective clients often come to us and say they want to be on every social media platform, but they don’t know why. Existing clients will come to us and say they want to be on the newest fad in...
by Valerie Morris | Apr 19, 2015 | Blogging, Branding, Copywriting, Digital Communication, Marketing, Social Media, Values
Spoken by a true leader, Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” As a business owner, a digital marketing pro, and well, a human, I constantly deal with the issue of comparison in today’s world. Digital communication tools and social media...
by Valerie Morris | Jan 20, 2015 | Digital Communication, Marketing, Social Media, Values
As a social media manager and digital expert to those around me, I get asked questions that typically start with “Have you heard of…?”. These typically follow with the name of some obscure app, or website, or blog, or social media site, or made up language for all I...
by Valerie Morris | Jan 7, 2015 | Blogging, Branding, Copywriting, Digital Communication, Marketing
Blogging is an essential piece of any content marketing strategy and can be a great way to express your expertise. Even just a few years ago, businesses didn’t really know what blogging was or why it could be valuable to them. Some professionals have embraced blogging...
by Valerie Morris | Dec 10, 2014 | Digital Communication, Values
I was recently invited to be a contributing writer for the Young Life Eastern Divisional Monthly Publication. We discussed effective communication within an Young Life area, and many of the tips shared are applicable to any business or nonprofit! Improving...