720-608-8715 [email protected]

Chad is a visionary who is an expert at drawing out stories from those around him with his brand The Story Catcher. He also is the host of Live Better hosted by wave.video. Join us as we talk about catching creative moments and sharing stories using digital tools. You’ll be inspired as you hear Chad’s story, and you’ll be even more inspired as you get to know him online. Go follow what he’s doing!

Soundbites From Today’s Episode:

“You don’t need to be the best, but you do need to be memorable.”

-Chad Illa-Petersen

“That sounds fun. Let’s try that.”

“How can we increase revenue by filling a gap?”

“Almost everything that we’ve been blessed with because we first just sought out opportunities to serve and to make somebody smile.”

“Smiles: the forgotten analytics.”

Quick Wins YOU Can Do Today:

[Hint: Try some of these simple things anyone can do to increase their exposure.]

Look for the gaps and do things that no one else is doing. Are those gaps something you can fill?

What new skills can you learn to deliver results in a way that no one else is doing?

Find opportunities to serve others and put a smile on their face. You’ll be more memorable than any pitch.

To learn more:




