720-608-8715 [email protected]

Mike Lazear shares his insights into how to build a killer website after building websites through his company, 515 Media. Learn the best practices for websites, how to hire someone to help you, and how to maximize your online presence.

Soundbites From Mike:

The first question you need to ask is what you want your website to DO for you.

Growing traffic to a website is a very active process; it’s not a passive thing.

You don’t ever set it and forget it when it comes to a website!

Quick Wins YOU Can Do Today:

[Hint: Try some of these simple things anyone can do to increase their exposure.]

Go connect with your buyers and audience. Get to know them. The more you know what they are looking for, the better your website will be. You can build in the right features, say the right thing, and focus your content better.

To learn more:

515 Media

