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Getting Started With SEO Strategy

We get the question a lot of how a company can get to that number one spot on a Google search.  Many people think that there is an exact formula and specific things you can do and you will definitely get to the top.  Sadly, this is false thinking in some ways.  Yes, you can do specific things and it will help you rank higher on Google, but there are so many factors as well as the fact that that #1 spot is a moving target.  It’s simply impossible to say that ONE exact formula will work every single time.  

A couple reasons why SEO is a moving target:

  • Google doesn’t tell us their exact algorithm, so it’s often an (educated) guessing game as to what you should do to rank well
  • If your competition ups their game, you could go down in a ranking
  • It’s not an instant fix.  It often takes time for Google to pick up on all the signals in your activity and your website code
  • The rules constantly change based on real human behavior
  1. SEO is not a one and done kind of thing.  Yes, you can do some things initially to set your site up for success, but if you think you’ve optimized your site and can then sit back and do nothing for a year, you are mistaken.  Because that coveted #1 spot is a ever-moving target, you need to be paying attention to what’s going on with your site so that you can make slight adjustments and stay relevant.
  2. SEO could be expensive.  Expect to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars each month for an agency or expert to help you out.  This is extremely valuable if you are in a highly competitive industry and want to make sure you’re in that top spot.  Don’t expect to see results in the first few weeks or even months.  Remember, SEO is organic, and often has a snowball effect.  Once it’s rolling it’s a beautiful thing, but it may take a little bit of time to build enough momentum to see those results.  Always keep that in mind when you’re considering the budget for a project like this.  
  3. Sometimes Adwords needs to be in the mix.  If you need to see fast results, you can pay to be in that #1 spot by utilizing Google Adwords.  You’ll pay and can get to that top spot, but as soon as you stop paying, you will not be at the top.  If you build credibility with search engine optimization, this is something that takes time, but once you build up that credibility and the ranking on page one, it’s much harder to get bumped down the list.  
  4. Words Matter.  To optimize your site, you’ll want to make sure you are strategic with your words.  While you want your website copy to sound appealing to humans, you also want it to be easy for the Google (and others) algorithms to read through your site and connect your brand name with your offer.  Don’t be surprised if there are recommendations made to adjust your wording.  This is also where something called on-page SEO comes into play.  This is a term for optimizing the content on a page to make it easy for search engine sites to understand what you’re all about.  This is a huge part of the big picture SEO process, but remember it’s just part.
  5. Technical Matters.  One of the harder pieces to understand is that website programming plays a big role in how easy it is for search engines to gather intel about who you are and what you do.  Many SEO experts may make recommendations or make changes based on programming and code-related issues.  These are often hard to explain to people who don’t deal with them day to day.  Don’t be discouraged and keep asking questions, but don’t be surprised if it feels a little confusing sometimes.  

It’s nearly impossible to explain SEO in one segment like this, but it is possible to give you a few nuggets to help you ask the right questions and hire the right help.  You have a lot of options when it comes to helping your site rank well on search engines and get the exposure you need to grow your business.  Our hope is that you get started on the right foot.  

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