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LinkedIn Follower Growth Tips

On LinkedIn, your company page may not see as much action as you see on your personal profile and there are many logical reasons for that.  The main reason is that people typically enjoy interacting with other people.  However, there are many reasons why you might want a LinkedIn company page and when you have one, you want to have people following it. 

LinkedIn company pages are extremely effective when you have a growing company and team.  They are also helpful when you have more than one “face” to the brand and it truly is a collective brand you are building rather then being centric around one key person.  Company pages can also help you by giving you the ability to run advertising and sponsored content.  LinkedIn Company Pages will be a great asset to your team if you have decided to focus your effort here.  

Here are a few ways to help spread the word that you have a LinkedIn Company Page so that people will consider following:

  1. Send an email.  Send a mass email out to tell your network that you have the new page.  Tell them briefly what kinds of information they will be getting by following your company page and make it easy for them to click a link to get right to the page you want them to follow.  
  2. Encourage (don’t force) employees to follow your page.  It’s not a great practice to dictate to employees what to put on their profile, but you can encourage people to list your business as their employer in their current role.  When you have a company page claimed, the logo will show up next to your role instead of the grayed out generic icon.  Most employees will do this because it makes their profile look nicer and more professional too.
  3. Past employee connections.  Reach out to past employees and invite them to list your business or re-list your business now that you have a page.  Same concept as just above, but this is with previous employees who may have already listed your company in their role, but now that there’s a page, it can connect the dots and show the profile picture (typically your logo) next to their role.  
  4. Email Signature.  Put a link to your new company page in your email signature.  You don’t have to keep it there forever, but put it in there for the first few weeks and put some text next to it in bold bright letters to tell people to follow your “new” page.  
  5. Share on social.  Do a mention on your other social media networks and profiles to encourage people to follow your new page.  This is just another way to help tell your network in a simple way.