Top Ways To Feed Search Engines The Google Juice They Need To Help You Rank Well
We all know that calling upon “Beetle Juice” three times will make him appear. Don’t you wish it was that simple with good rankings on search engines? Unfortunately, it is a little more involved than just saying a name three times in a row. But, it’s not impossible to call upon Google and get their attention with your website.
We use the term Google Juice a lot at Tintero Creative, and when we say this, we are referring to the types of content and information that you are feeding to Google to help the search engine understand who you are and what you do? Search engine optimization is an involved process, but one thing that has stayed true is that search engines like to see consistent content produced for a website and brand. Let’s take a look at a few ways to feed some Google Juice to the search engine powerhouse today:
#1 Social Media Content
Regular social media content is a great way to feed the search engine monster. Regular updates are gold because you can slip in some keywords and phrases that help search engines understand your business better. Since Google is king when it comes to search engines, it would behoove you to consider focusing some efforts on the social media channels that Google owns: Google+ and YouTube. However, other social media channels also provide valuable data out on the internet to help your brand name rank.
#2 Blog Content
Regular updates to your blog help make your website look more robust, as well as provide an easy place to add strategic written words for SEO value. Blogs are also great because you can often talk about topics or issues that are not necessarily applicable on the main pages of your website. While still relevant to your brand, blogs may be a little more detailed than the basic information you already provide on your site.
#3 Interactive Content
While written content is so important to feeding Google, you also might want to think about interactive media like videos, podcasts, and other graphical content. You can associate metadata and other information with these files that can help search engines rank your brand. The more relevant, the better off you are!
#4 Web Content
Your web content is perhaps the most important piece of the puzzle because this is where you are literally spelling out for your main audience, and then search engines as well, who you are and what you do. Often, this web content does not change much once you have written it, but you should regularly look through your web content to see if you can make your written content more relevant to your audience and search engines.
As humans, we get dehydrated and potentially die if we don’t stay hydrated. The same analogy can go with search engine optimization; you have to continue to feed the search engine monster with Google Juice in order for your brand to stay hydrated and continue to rank well. Search engine optimization is not something you do once and then let sit for years. Proper search engine optimization requires regular monitoring, and adjusting to ensure that your brand is staying competitive, relevant, and up with the latest algorithms. So, the question today is…have you fed Google some Google Juice today?